Rules and Regulations For BS Economics
Duration of the Program
- 1.1) The programs leading to BS shall be of four years duration, equally divided into eight regular semesters excluding summer sessions.
- 1.2) Each regular semester shall be spread over eighteen weeks, 16 weeks for teaching, and two weeks for the preparation and the conduct of examinations.
Promotion & Probationary Period
- 2.1) If a student scores CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) less than 1.0 at the end of any semester during the program of studies, he / she shall be dropped from the university rolls. For first semester students, the GPA (Grade Point Average) at the end of the first semester would be considered for the above purpose. The CGPA at the end of any semester will be calculated on the basis of all courses registered up to that semester, including courses registered in the summer session(s) if any.
- 2.2) Probation
- Whenever any student’s CGPA is 1.0 and or more but less than 2.0 he / she shall be placed on probation.
- A student shall be allowed three chances to remain on probation during the entire BS Program of Studies.
- A student failing to achieve the required CGPA of 2.0 for the fourth time he/she shall ceased to be the student of the University. However, such a student may apply for a BA/B.Sc. degree if eligible as per rules.
- 2.3) The student eligible to continue the study program and having failed in a compulsory course(s) shall have to repeat the course(s) whenever such course(s) shall be offered by the Department / School / Institute / Centre in the regular semesters
- 2.4) A student shall have to complete the BS Program within twelve regular semesters or six years
Registration of Courses
- 3.1) At the beginning of each semester, a student shall register in the course(s) being offered for BS program by the Department / School / Institute / Centre in a prescribed format. A student who does not register any course(s) in a semester, will deemed to have frozen that semester.
- 3.2) Registration shall be allowed if the student has paid all the required dues.
Freezing of a Semester
- 4.1) If a student, due to an acceptable reason, is unable to pursue his/her studies in a particular semester, he/she may request for freezing of the said semester. A student will not be allowed freezing of the first semester of his/her studies.
- 4.2) A student shall be allowed to apply for freezing of at the most two semesters in his/her entire program of studies. The application must be submitted within 45 days from the commencement of classes. Only in exceptional circumstances of medical emergency of the student or fatality of immediate family member, the University may allow freezing of semester after 45 days.
- 4.3) The case for freezing of the semester shall be decided by the Dean of the Faculty on the recommendations of the Chairperson/Director of the respective Department / School / Institute / Centre and the decision shall be communicated to the Controller of the Examinations for notification.
- 4.4) Being allowed a semester freeze by the Dean of the Faculty, the student who has deposited / paid the tuition fee for the frozen semester may request for refund. In such case the University shall deduct 25% of the tuition fee deposited and the remaining 75% shall be reimbursed to the student.
- 4.5) Being allowed a semester freeze by the Dean of the Faculty, the student have to complete the degree requirements within 6 years from the date of his/her first admission (including the period of semester(s) declared to have been frozen).
- 4.6) Cancellation: In case a student applies for cancellation of his/her admission, the following shall be applicable:
- The application must have been recommended by the respective Chairperson/Director of Department / School / Institute / Centre.
- There should be no outstanding dues against him/her.
- If the student is in first semester, the request for the cancellation will be entertained within 60 days from the commencement of the semester.
- If the student is in other than the first semester and has never availed a chance, the request for the cancellation will be entertained within 60 days from the commencement of the semester.
- If the student has availed chance in first three semesters, his/her request for cancellation of admission will be entertained only within 30 days from the commencement of semester.
- The request for cancellation of admission will not be allowed after the 6th semester.
Course Limit
- 5.1) A student is required to take 15-18 credit hours course work per regular semester.
- 5.2) However the Chairperson/ Director of the Department / School / Institute / Centre may allow a minimum of 12 credit hours (or all remaining if less than 12) and a maximum of 21 credit hour course work in one semester on the approval of the Dean and with the submission of undertaking from the student on the prescribed form.
Credit Hours
- 6.1) A credit hour means teaching a theory course for 60 minutes each week throughout the semester. The Department / School / Institute / Centre may require attendance in the tutorial session as a part of the requirement.
- 6.2) One credit hour in laboratory or experimental work would require lab contact of at least two hours per week for first four semesters’ courses while for the remaining semesters’ laboratory courses one credit hour would require three contact hours per week.
- 6.3) For a course that includes both theory and practical components, the credit hours would be indicated as theory plus practical, for example 3+1=4.
- 7.1) Eligibility to Appear in the terminal Examination of a Semester
- 7.1.1) No student shall be eligible to appear in the terminal examination unless he/she is registered at the University for the respective Study Program and has paid all the required dues.
- 7.1.2) A student must have attended at least 80% of the classes held in a course in order to be allowed to sit in the terminal semester examination of that course. However, the Chairperson/Director may grant a relaxation of 10% of the attendance in lieu of his/her participation in extracurricular activities duly recommended / nominated by the University or in case of serious illness of the student / demise of his / her immediate family member. This relaxation will be subjected to the provision of evidence.
- 7.1.3) Students having class attendance less than the prescribed level in 7.1.2 in a particular course(s) will be required to repeat the course(s) or its substitute course(s) as advised by the Department / School / Institute / Centre.
7.2) Special Examination
- 7.2.1) A special examination shall be conducted for a student who is unable to appear in the terminal examination of course(s) on serious medical grounds or the demise of parent, spouse, children and brother/sister provided the incident / medical condition occur during or within two weeks prior to terminal examination.
- 7.2.2) To avail the special examination a student must have met the eligibility criteria in the terminal examination of the semester.
- 7.2.3) The student shall have to produce the death certificate of the kin referred to above.
- 7.2.4) The student shall have to submit an application of serious illness to the concerned Department / School / Institute / Center on or before the date of commencement of the examination / paper as the case may be.
- 7.2.5) In case of serious illness of the student, he/she must provide evidence of having been hospitalized or receiving intensive treatment in a recognized private or a public sector hospital.
- 7.2.6) The request for special examination shall be considered by the ‘Departmental Grievance Committee’ and recommendations of the committee shall be placed before the Dean through the Chairperson / Director of the Department / School / Institute / Centre for approval.
- 7.2.7) If allowed the special examination of a semester shall take place during the semester break before the commencement of next semester. However, the Department / School / Institute / Centre will inform the student, concerned teacher(s) and the Controller of examination at least one week before the date(s) of special examination.
- 7.2.8) Chairperson / Director of the Department / School / Institute / Centre will monitor the special examinations and ensure the standards.
- 7.2.9) There would be maximum of two chances on the grounds mentioned at 7.2.1 to appear in a specially conducted examination during the entire program of studies.
7.3) Departmental Grievance Committee
- 7.3.1) There shall be a “Departmental Grievance Committee” comprising of :
- Chairperson / Director of the Department / School / Institute / Centre will chair the committee proceedings. In case if grievance is against the Chairman / Director, the senior most faculty member will chair the committee.
- Two senior most faculty members other than the faculty member against whom any complaint is registered (if any). In case the complainant is a female student at least one of the Committee member must be female or be co-opted from the Department / School / Institute / Centre of Faculty concerned for this purpose.
- In case of special examination the teacher(s) concerned shall be the member of the Grievance Committee.
- 7.3.2) The committee will address the request of special examination, and grievances of the students about any course instructor or grade or for any other academic or fairness issues. The Committee shall forward its report / recommendations to the concerned Dean.
- 7.3.3) Appellate body against the decision of the said committee will be the Dean of the Faculty. Frivolous complaints by the student will result in an official warning and on receiving repeated warnings, the student may be referred to the University Disciplinary Committee.
7.3.4) Grievance on Grade
- A student must approach the Chairperson / Director of the Department / School / Institute / Centre for a grievance regarding the received grade within three (3) working days of the display of the results on his / her respective Department / School / Institute / Centre notice board / webpage / website.
- The Chairperson / Director of the Department / School / Institute / Centre may forward the grade grievance to the “Departmental Grievance Committee” if deemed necessary / appropriate.
- It will be binding on the Grievance Committee to hear both sides (student and instructor), and give the final decision within 5 days or before the start of the date of registration for the new semester whichever comes earlier.
- The Committee or appellate authority may for reasons to be recorded in writing, decide to:
- Reject the student’s application;
- Ask the concerned teacher to review his grading and satisfy the Committee.
- 7.3.1) There shall be a “Departmental Grievance Committee” comprising of :
7.4) Evaluation
- 7.4.1) There shall be 100 marks assigned to each course.
- 7.4.2) There shall be a system of evaluation of student’s performance consisting of the following components:
- Home assignments, term papers, quizzes, class presentations and lab work (if applicable) with a weightage to 20% – 25%.
- Mid Semester Examination of 1½ – 3 hours duration having weightage from 25% – 30%. The mid semester examination shall be held by the end of the 8th week of commencement of classes for each course.
- Semester’s Terminal Examination of 3 to 4 hours duration having a weightage of 50%.
- The terminal examination of the semester shall be held at the end of the semester.
- 7.4.3) In case of laboratory courses or courses requiring extensive field work / computation etc. 50% of the weightage would continue to be assigned to terminal examination while remaining 50% weightage would be given to continuous evaluation, with the distribution according to the needs of the particular course.
- 7.4.4) Marks, Grade Points, Letter Grades
- 1) The progress of a student shall be monitored in each semester on the basis of his / her academic performance in the semester as measured by the number of courses passed and GPA (Grade Point Average). The GPA for each semester shall be calculated as follows:
Grade points Table is given below:Marks Range Grade Point Grade Description 80 & above 4 A Outstanding (marks ³ 85%) Excellent (80% £ marks < 85%)
76-79 3.8 A– Very Good 72-75 3.5 B+ 68-71 3 B Good 64-67 2.8 B– 60-63 2.5 C+ Satisfactory 55-59 2 C 50-54 1 D Weak 0-49 0 F Fail Note: In final calculation a fraction is to be rounded to the nearest whole Number.
The cumulative Grade Point Average is calculated as follows:
- 2) For the purpose of determining the current status of a student the CGPA would be rounded to one decimal place. The CGPA determined at the end of studies shall be done on the basis of the actual grade points and credit hours of each course studied and the result would be rounded off to one decimal point.
- 1) The progress of a student shall be monitored in each semester on the basis of his / her academic performance in the semester as measured by the number of courses passed and GPA (Grade Point Average). The GPA for each semester shall be calculated as follows:
- 7.4.5) The transcript will show credits, letter grade, CGPA and the overall percentage. The overall percentage will be calculated according to following formula:
- 7.4.6) Honor Board:
- There shall be an Honor Board maintained beside the respective Deans’ Office.
- The names of those students earning 3.8 CGPA or better at the end of each academic year shall be displayed on Honor Board for one year.
- Name of student would remain on honor list if he/she maintains a CGPA of 3.8 or better.
- 7.1) Eligibility to Appear in the terminal Examination of a Semester
Summer Sessions
Summer Sessions if offered provide opportunities to the students who fail or withdraw from a course and those who wish to improve their grade(s). Summer sessions will not be counted as a semester(s).
- 8.1) During the semester break, Department / School / Institute / Centre may offer a summer session of six to eight weeks duration in courses of its choice. Sixteen contact hours shall be required per credit hour of the course work with a maximum of eight contact hours per course per week.
- 8.2) Students who fail or withdraw from a course or courses can register for course(s) offered during Summer Session.
- 8.3) Students who obtain D or C grade i.e. less than 60% in a course or courses can opt to repeat the course or courses to improve their CGPA. However grade improvement would not be allowed in more than four courses during the entire study program. In case a student is unable to improve marks in a course, his / her original marks will remain the same.
- 8.4) The students can register for up to two courses during one summer session.
- 8.5) Only those students who failed or have been unable to register a course(s) within two semesters immediately prior to a particular summer sessions, will be allowed to register for the said summer session on the recommendations of Chairperson / Director as approved by the Dean concerned.
- 8.6) A student shall have to achieve 80% attendance target, complete the tasks for sessional marks, and appear for mid and terminal semester examinations for each course registered for summer session.
- 8.7) Special examination shall not be allowed for summer session courses
- 8.8) The Chairperson / Director of respective Department / School / Institute / Centre shall decide about the number of students to be registered for a particular course that is being offered in a summer session.
- 8.9) All other conditions regarding pre-requisite courses, duration & weightage of mid and terminal examinations, shall remain the same as for the regularly offered course. The mid examination will be held immediately after half of the classes have been completed.
University Dues
- 9.1) Each student of the BS Program of Studies shall be required to pay tuition fee and such other dues as may be determined by the Syndicate from time to time.
Course File
Maintenance of course file would be compulsory for the teachers. It will have a complete record of all academic activities during the semester. The course file will contain the following:
- Description of courses and outlines
- Weekly teaching / lab, tutorial schedule
- Date of mid-semester examination
- Total number of lectures delivered, tutorials conducted, laboratory sessions held.
- Grading policy identifying each activity, such as homework, quizzes, mid-semester examination, terminal examination, term paper.
- A copy of terminal exam performance sheet detailing statistical data on the grades obtained by the students.
- Record of each quiz, homework assignment evaluation, mid-term paper and terminal examination.
- A note on any difficulties / problems faced by the teacher during classroom / course delivery.
Award of Degree
- After successful completion of all the academic requirements of the program, the University shall award BS-4 Years Degree to the Student.
- A student after successfully completing minimum 62 credit hours course work may have the option to seek / obtain B.A. / B.Sc. pass degree. The student who would otherwise cease to be a student on the basis of his / her CGPA can also avail of the B.A. / B.Sc. pass option provided he / she has passed 62 credit hours of course work with CGPA of at least 1.0.
- These rules and regulations of BS-4 years program are approved by the statutory bodies of Quaid-i-Azam University. We took care while typing these rules and regulations but still errors and omissions are expected.
- For further details visit ‘Quaid-i-Azam University Calendar – 2012’ (
- Quaid-i-Azam University keeps right to modify / amend these rules & regulations from time to time. Any such modification / amendment will be implemented by School of Economics in its true spirit.